
Getting Started:
Please make sure to read all the instructions, watch the impression video, and review the common mistakes before taking your impressions. Producing high-quality impressions is crucial for well-fitting retainers. It is worth investing 10-15 minutes to fully understand the process and take your time. Rushing through this process is not recommended. We suggest you watch this video for visual examples of an impression, Youtube Video


Step 1: Preparation
Brush and floss your teeth.
Have everything sent to you ready.
Practice putting the tray in your mouth comfortably in front of a mirror. Select which tray fits the most comfortably. There are 3 sizes to chose from. Be sure to use the top tray for the top teeth and the bottom for the bottom set of teeth. 

Step 2: Mix Putty & Fill Tray (15 seconds MAX)
Mix one white and one colored putty for 45 seconds.
Shape the putty into a hot dog and place it into the tray, ensuring that there is more putty in the front an it tapers off towards the end. This is important as your front teeth are longer, and we need to capture your gum-line effectively.


Step 3: Upper Impression (Top Retainer/Top Soft Night Guard)
Insert the tray with putty into your mouth, ensuring it is centered under your upper teeth. Use a mirror to help with positioning. Maintain a 2-3mm space between your front teeth and the tray's inside wall to avoid hitting the plastic walls. Place your thumbs underneath the tray one on the right underside and the other on the left and press it straight up with a single, firm push. Aim for depth and even coverage, ensuring the putty completely covers your teeth and extends beyond the gum-line. Pull your upper lip up over the edge of the tray. Hold the tray still for a total of 4 minutes without moving it.


Step 4: Lower Impression (Lower Retainer/Lower Soft Night Guard)
Insert the tray with putty into your mouth, centering it under your lower teeth. Use a mirror for assistance. Ensure there is a 2-3mm space between your front teeth and the tray's inside wall to prevent scraping the plastic walls. Position your thumbs underneath the tray one on the right underside and the other on the left.
Press the tray straight up with a single, firm push to achieve even coverage and depth. The putty should fully cover your teeth, extending beyond the gum-line. Pull your lower lip down and over the tray's edge. Hold the tray still for 4 minutes without moving.
Caution: You may produce extra saliva while waiting for the impression to harden. Keep paper towels handy.

Step 5: Remove Impression
Gently press against an area of putty with your fingertips to check if it has fully hardened. If the putty is still squishy, wait an additional 30 seconds.
Grip the top and bottom of the tray and gradually pull downward (there may be some resistance) until it pops off your teeth.
Do not remove the impression putty from the tray unless instructed to do so!


Step 7: Shipping
Seal the impression in the provided bag and mail it back in the return mailer using the return label provided. 

Need help or extra putty? Contact us at

Common Mistakes
Not reading instructions beforehand.
Not following timing instructions precisely.
Applying insufficient pressure.
Accidentally hitting tray sides.
Missing gum-line in the impression.
Important Note: Rushing through this process can lead to mistakes. Take your time and follow the instructions carefully for the best results.